Today: 9:00AM - 8:00PM
Jun 22, 2022

Looking to purchase a used automobile? There are two basic options. The first is to seek out a private seller, perhaps via online marketplace or classified ad. The second is to go directly to a trusted, established dealership.

We’re obviously a little biased, but we think dealerships are your best bet. Consider just a few of the reasons why.

Why Buy Used from a Dealership?

  1. It’s easier to verify a dealer’s reputation. Want to ensure that the person you’re buying from is trustworthy? With a dealership, you can always scout online reviews, check with local business affiliations, or even verify a BBB score. With private sellers, you won’t have these options.
  2. You’ll have more choices. Another reason to buy from a dealership is that you’ll have access to an entire inventory, not just a single make and model. As such, you can test drive and compare a few different options. Additionally, you can browse different colors and consider different trim levels.
  3. You may get to buy a CPO. CPOs, or certified pre-owned vehicles, tend to have fewer miles, extended warranties, and other perks and amenities. Not every dealership has a CPO program, but many of them do.
  4. Your dealership will likely have a service center. Sooner or later, you’ll need to know the name of a reputable service center, where you can get your car repaired or have routine maintenance performed. Shopping at a dealership can help you connect with a qualified service team.
  5. Dealerships often have finance centers, too. Used cars represent a great way to get maximum value on your next vehicle purchase. Even so, you may still need financing options. Dealerships will usually provide plenty of flexible financing arrangements, from loans to leases.

These are just a few of the reasons why we recommend buying your next used car from a dealership as opposed to a private seller.

Shop for Used Cars for Sale in Houston

Ready to shop for a used Kia for sale? We’d love to show you some options. Schedule a test drive at our used car dealership in Houston at your next convenience.

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